Achieve that perfect look when you use Prototype for your tshirt printing in Bali!
Prototype offers the largest selection of custom t-shirts and printing techniques.
Why Screen Print Your Tshirts with Prototype in Bali?
Prototype is an American company with operations in Bali, Indonesia. We have hundreds of clients coming to us from around the globe with a wide variety of projects. Our screen printing in Bali is part of our support services for all those brands and products. We don’t just do tshirt printing in Bali of course. We print EVERYTHING.
The reason that matters is that if you want something nicer than the standard, or maybe you’re looking for a custom tshirt or a specialized printing technique with metallics, flocking, etc, you can’t just go to any random t-shirt printing place. You’ll need a printer that understands apparel and can get you the best result possible.
With our specialized knowledge of the industry and our experienced team, you’ll be able to achieve results better than anywhere else.
Screen Printing is Made by Hand
The #1 reason why I love screen-printed apparel is that it can be made entirely by hand. Traditionally, all of it was, but nowadays most larger print companies are using automated machinery to do the printing. The machines are kinda cool, I’ll admit, but the results lack the warmth and depth of a fully-manual process. It’s kinda like comparing digital music to a vinyl record. The vinyl just FEELS better, all the way around
Lots of tshirts these days are also digitally printed. Personally, I hate DTG digital printing on tshirts. They just look cheap and there’s no soul at all. Digital has no vibe, no flavor. Since I love handmade stuff, I much prefer printing by hand as well.
Plus I love our printing team and I would be SAD if they lost their jobs to a machine! ?
T-Shirt Printing Services in Bali
If you’re in Bali, or been around Bali much, you’ll know that nearly everything is made by hand. There are lots of different options for printing in small shops around the island. The small shops are fine–and reasonably-priced–for small, casual printing jobs. But for bigger, more sensitive jobs, you’ll need the quality assurance that only Prototype offers.
Our clean facility with highly-experienced staff is the perfect solution for restaurants, hotels, spas and other Indonesia-based businesses to have their printing done.
Custom Tshirts for Printing
If you’re sourcing tshirts or other apparel for your business in Indonesia, one of the most frustrating things is that it’s nearly impossible to find a place that provides BOTH the clothing AND the printing. You end up having to run around all over Bali, looking for the blank clothing and making sure it fits properly. It almost never does.
Then, and only then, can you take it all to the printing place and if they make any mistakes… Well, you’re back to square one. We know, we’ve been through this countless times in our early days.
Custom t-shirts in Indonesia can be tricky because the size grading is poorly understood and rarely regulated even within a single manufacturer. A Bali shirt manufacturer might make one type of shirt for one customer and another type for another customer and the patterns often get mixed up. It’s a “buyer beware” kind of situation.
That’s exactly the kind of situation that we aim to avoid. The advantage of working with Prototype to do your tshirt printing in Bali is that we provide both the blank clothing and the printing.
When you work with us, it’s a one-stop shop!
And More!
Not only do we do the tshirt blanks and the printing, but we also do tags, labels, packaging and pretty much every other service you could ever think of. As I mentioned, Prototype is a full-service fashion product development company, so we’re well familiar with developing apparel from A to Z.
Whether your business requires apparel for its own uniforms, for retail sale or for wholesale, Prototype is the best tshirt printing resource in Bali. Guaranteed. ?